• Good Morning Lake Roosevelt Elementary 

    Today is Thursday, Dec. 5th, 2024. 

    Lunch today: Brunch Lunch or Burrito

             Friday: Pepperoni Pizza or Chicken Burger



    Birthdays this week: Samuel Shockley, Dixie-Lyn Tonasket, Evangeline Bob, Michael Comerford, Jackson Tufts, Gabriella Avilla, Da-Cobey Paul and Annalise Fasthorse Boyd.


    Grades 4-6, the corner of the play field is OFF LIMITS at recess.


    Interested in traveling to Washington D.C. and New York June 17-22, 2025? Please pick up a packet 

    from Ms. G or Mrs. Portch and register by December 31st to reserve your spot.



    All Middle School athletes need to ride bus #151 after school.


    Please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance.