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    Principal's Message

    Dear Parents/ Guardians & Students,

    It is my pleasure to welcome you to Lake Roosevelt Elementary. The faculty and staff join me in saying we are happy to have you as part of the Raider family. We hope this will be a successful and satisfying year for you.

    The pages of the student handbook are filled with important information regarding school policies and procedures. Parents and students should review the contents together. If you have any questions, please call the school office. We feel that open and clear communication between school and home is important to the success of our educational program. 

    We are working very hard at Lake Roosevelt Elementary to make our school the best it can be. Please see below to see our areas of focus. We are excited about all the hard work we have done and the work we still have left to do. We welcome you as partners on our journey to success.


    Ms.Lisa Lakin


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